careercoach &spiritualguide

As seen in

Top 100 Emerging Leaders Under 50 & 100 Women Making a Difference

Do you desire more joy, peace, ease, and freedom at work?
I can help you transition your career from this
old paradigm to a new Paradigm
hard at work
We do work that feels hard, stressful, or boring because society deems it a valuable profession
We measure success and self worth by our productivity, as if we are machines. Work feels like a rat race, competitive & we never feel complete or like we are enough.
Something outside of us controls our destiny - the boss, the economy, etc. & we become victims to it. This leaves us feeling unsatisfied & like we don’t know who we are or what we truly can offer the world.

We do work that is fun, easy, and of service (in our GENIUS zones), and we know this is what we were born to do
We add emphasis on playfulness, being in the moment, spirituality, intuition, and nurturance - all to cultivate JOY, WORTHINESS & to bring out our best selves at work and everywhere.
We realize we hold the power to CREATE our destiny so use our power to pave our own most meaningful career path. We live & work authentically & free doing what we love & we are inspired to show others to do the same.
heart at work
I’ve made this shift myself - my journey began as a burned out lawyer (read my whole career story here) - and since turning my career around I have coached hundreds of others to make these changes. Sometimes this includes seeking out the next level of leadership or an entire career redesign.
My style of career coaching is a combination of the practical and the magical. I wear my lawyer hat to spot and understand key issues people are facing. I bring my oracle cards and other spiritual tools to open up connection to divine energy and higher purpose. And I also bring my years of business leadership and self empowerment work to bring you the best tools available today.
Client Success Stories

From corporate stress to entrepreneurial bliss
When I first started working with Gina I had an overwhelming feeling that I needed to make a huge change in my career/work life but zero idea of what that looked like or how I could make it happen. I came to her as a CPA climbing the public accounting ladder and now I'm the owner of my own company, Travelworthy, a custom travel planning business that encourages you to 'Let the Trip Take You'. This drastic and amazing transition wouldn't have been possible without her guidance and support. She helped me learn how to move away from things in my life that caused suffering and embrace the process of change and living a more authentic life/career that brings me joy! Gina continues to be an amazing resource for me as I continue down the road of entrepreneurship.
Stephanie Worth, Owner & Travel Consultant, Travelworthy Ltd.

From partnership rut and resentments to joy and genius
After being in business with my husband for 8 years, we hit a rut we couldn't get out of. The fun and joy of running a business doing what we love was gone. Instead, we were stressed, burned out, and I was starting to fire my husband on a weekly basis! This is when I met Gina. After a short conversation, I knew she would be able to help us put the joy and excitement back into our business. As well as help us find the missing piece that was keeping us from feeling on purpose and fulfilled at work. Working with Gina has improved our communication as business partners and as a couple. She has helped us organize and strategize our business, using each of our areas of genius to enhance our contributions. Gina has helped us move on from old mistakes and focus on what we can do now to help our business grow in the future. Most importantly, Gina has helped us put the joy, passion, and excitement back into our business.
Dr. Rae Bouvin (with business partner Dr. Edgardo Vargas), Co-Owners, Pro-Holistic Care

From unclear direction to purposeful mission
I consider Gina a healing spirit. Her devotion to help has been a true blessing. I met Gina after being on the police force for about 17 years. I was just returning to work after a leave of absence and not sure of the direction I wanted to take. Gina helped me explore what I was passionate about and changes I made in my personal life to discover that my true mission now was to bring the peace and healing I had found for myself to others in Law Enforcement who are taking in so much stress and trauma. I am on this mission now and have teamed up with a consulting company to help bring a resiliency program using mindfulness practices to our Law Enforcement community.
“Zenpolice,” Police Officer and Marine