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3 ways to cultivate the power of your word

You are powerful. So powerful in fact you can birth your boldest, wildest, most unreasonable business dreams and goals with the simple act of speaking out loud or writing on paper what you desire.This is known in the spiritual realm as “the power of your word” and also known in metaphysics as “the Law of Attraction.”While simple in theory, alchemy like this requires time and practice. To become someone who can wield the power of your word and know it will materialize into reality, you must pay your dues in cultivating faith and belief inside of yourself around this process. To support you in literally performing magic to fulfill on your big career dreams and goals, this week's video shares 3 ways to cultivate the power of your word.

How you can speak your career dreams into reality

#1 Cultivate belief in the principle that your word creates your reality

→ First, you must believe in your creative power as a principle that is beyond doubt. This is not about believing intellectually or theoretically, it’s about embodying true faith that when you set clear intentions, you have put in motion a divine process. If you’re not there yet, you can deeply study these concepts through spiritual teachers and metaphysical texts.

#2 Cultivate belief that this process of creation works for YOU

→ It’s one thing to believe in the creative process as a whole, it’s another to actually apply it to you and your career. You must believe that the power of God/the universe is within you and you must believe that you deserve what you are calling in. If you’re not yet in the space of worthiness or godliness, you can get there through emotional and spiritual healing.

#3 Cultivate belief that your truest, burning desires will come to be

→ You lose power when you hold “splintered intentions'' - meaning you say you want one thing, yet also believe something different or less is all that is really possible. Here, no matter how hard you wish, that which is a stronger belief in you will manifest. So, if you’re not in the space yet of believing in your deepest, most authentic business desires, practice speaking your desires, seeing them, and feeling grateful for them as if they are here now. This helps you to cultivate your desire as stronger and stronger.

Additional resources + practice materials

If you want to deepen your knowledge and practice from this article, here are a few of my favorite resources.

To learn more about the law of attraction and your power to create through the laws of metaphysics, check out these educational materials:

The Secret documentary Rhonda Byrnes on Netflix or Amazon

Any book by Ester Hicks or Abraham Hicks Publications on Youtube

The book Big Magic by Elizabeth Gilbert

The book The Sacred Yes by Reverend Deborah L. Johnson

The book Seat of the Soul by Gary Zukav

To practice cultivating faith in your business dreams and goals, you can use my spiritual practices on the Insight Timer app:

To practice divine connection and worthiness, try out these practices on Insight Timer:

Closing thoughts to empower your feminine genius + dreams

As you take all this wisdom, the key is to be brave, vulnerable, faithful, and deserving. As you claim your heart's desires for your business and work by speaking outloud and/or writing your ideas down as if true right now - you are in the process of pure alchemy. Know that this is a cultivation process. You don't have to get it right the first time. Keep practicing. Practice makes perfect. And as you believe more deeply in yourself, the universe, your dreams, and will see what was once simply an idea in your heart and mind is now present in your physical reality.


About the Author

Hi I'm Gina Marotta, and I can help you step into your higher calling. My unique body of work is about "Feminine Genius" which includes bringing your innate talent + feminine energy (spirituality, creativity, intuition, feelings, and fluidity) into a career focus that changes people's lives for the better. I serve from extensive study in the divine feminine, as well as 20+ years experience as a leader in multiple industries. I have worked professionally as a lawyer, a nonprofit managing director, and an entrepreneur; and I bring all that experience and wisdom to you. You will also find me quoted and interviewed often as a career expert in media outlets like Thrive Global, The Huffington Post, American Bar Association Magazine, Barron's Next Magazine, and WGN Radio.


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